Money Transfer

Send and receive money around the world instantly to anyone you like - even if they don't have a AmxGlobalPay Account.

Money Transfer

Instant and secure

Funds are sent and received directly to the recipient’s AGP Account in seconds.

Low cost

Our competitive rates means you get more, with only the sender charged a small fee. View our fees and limits.

Quick and easy

Send money anytime, anywhere in just a few clicks or taps on your phone.

Immediate access to your money

Funds can be instantly accessed and used through your AGP Account, AGP Card and AGP Virtual Card.

Money Transfer

Send and receive money around the world instantly to anyone you like - even if they don't have a AmxGlobalPay Account.


How long does it take to send and receive money?
Sending and receiving money is instant and can be spent or withdrawn from your AGP Account immediately.
How will the recipient know I’ve sent them money?
The money you send will be automatically credited to the recipient's AGP Account. They will see the incoming transfer in their AGP Account statement.
Is it secure to send money with AmxGlobalPay?
Sending money with AmxGlobalPay is secure. We use the latest technology to provide you with a fast, secure way of transferring funds to and from our merchants and other AmxGlobalPay account holders. The security and integrity of your personal information is our top priority, and in order to protect it, we employ all available measures so that you don't have to worry. You can read more about our secure technology here.
How much does it cost to send and receive money?
Sending money to other AGP Account holders is free of charge starting from Gold level. At Silver level the sender pays the fee for the money transfer: 1.50% (min 0.50 EUR).
Sending money to Amx Global Pay merchants is free of charge.
Receiving money is free of charge.
You can always check the up-to-date fees on our fees and limits page.
Who can I send money to?
You can send money to friends, relatives and merchants as long as they have a Silver level or above account with us.
Can I cancel a money transfer after I’ve sent it?
Once you have confirmed and sent your money transfer, you cannot cancel it. If you have made an erroneous transfer, please report it to our 24/7 Customer Support Team.
How much can I send using the money transfer service?
There is no limit for the minimum amount you can send. To view the limits for the maximum amount you can send, please visit our fees and limits page.
How do I deposit money to send?
You can deposit funds on your AGP Account by using one or more of the following methods*: - Credit or debit card
- Local bank deposit
- Local Services
- International bank deposit
- Alternative currency deposit
For deposit methods instructions and for the full list of available deposit options, log into your AGP Account and go to the "Deposit" section on the left-hand menu.
*To countries where Amx Global Pay services are provided.

You can connect with us via Email.

*Beware of the emails with the question mark on their account profile photo. These are fake emails and not send by Amx Global Pay. Spammers do such emails by using Amx Global Pay’s email address but are not verified with the our servers. So whenever you find an email having an account profile photo with a question mark, stay away from these kinds of emails strictly.